The movie “War Room,” portrays an excellent example of the use of Spiritual Warfare in fighting for your families! If you haven’t seen it, I’d encourage you to do so or purchase the video when it comes out.
The gal I went to see the movie with was telling me she has already begun preparing her “War Room” and is searching for Scriptures to post for each of her six children. Great idea, kudos to you Linda!
Hey, why not start your own “War Room” and fight for your sons, daughters, grandchildren, husbands, wives, and your homes! (Neh. 4:14) It doesn’t have to look like the one in the movie! Be creative.
Below I have listed some ideas you may want to work into your daily prayers. While the list may appear overwhelming, try taking a few of them daily.
Spiritual Development (Pray)
Below I have listed some ideas you may want to work into your daily prayers. While the list may appear overwhelming, try taking a few of them daily.
Spiritual Development (Pray)
- That they will develop a strong desire for the Word of God. Encourage them to spend time with the Lord and in His Word, modeling an example of the same. Give them a faith to return to.
- Ps. 19:11 talks about God's servant being warned: Pray, “Father, may our children and grandchildren have a renewed sensitivity to danger and temptation and may You warn them when the enemy sets a trap in front of them.” Psalm 124:7, We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!
- That they would experience God’s grace, free from condemnation, while recognizing that one doesn't sin that grace may abound.
- That your children will be kept unto the Name of the Lord and that Jesus Christ would be of utmost importance in their lives. That they would develop a humble contrite heart of repentance and have a desire to share their faith.
- That they would learn at a young age to cast their cares and anxiety upon the Lord. (You may need to pray that prayer over yourself, I certainly do at times).
Sexual Relationships (Pray)
- That they would stay clear of pre-marital sex following Joseph’s example in Gen. 39:7-8 when Potiphar's wife looked lustfully upon Joseph and said, "Come to bed with me!" The good news is he refused! If your children have been compromised in this area encourage them by letting them know our Lord is a God of grace and mercy!
- That they would have discernment to know when the opposite sex is lying to them, in order to exploit them sexually. May they discern the truth, rather than what they are being told.
- That relationship with the opposite sex would not distract them from their commitment to the Lord or from their school work.
- That your children's would date only those who have a conscience of right and wrong.
- It's never too early to begin praying that your children will make the right choices in choosing their spouse. Thanks to my daughter Julie who reminded me of this in her blog, “Dear Future Daughter-In-Law.”) Check it out at, it’s excellent, spoken by a devoted mom.
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